Introduction to TypeScript - Learn to supercharge your web-applications

Learn to supercharge your web-applications with the powerful typed language from Microsoft!

In this course, we will learn about TypeScript, the new, JavaScript inspired language by Microsoft. The introductory TypeScript course will teach the student the TypeScript basics necessary for junior workplace skills.

By taking this course you will,

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- Set your PC or Mac up to develop TypeScript
- Be able to understand why TypeScript is used to build large web applications

- Use TypeScript's classes and error checking
- Create and extend TypeScript classes
- Share Code via Modules

In the first section, we will learn about what projects TypeScript is appropriate for. We will learn who makes TypeScript

We will learn about types, how they are used, what kinds are available in TypeScript, and how to make your own.

We will learn about interfaces, inheritance, and TypeScript classes. Using the module system, we will share code between TypeScript files and compile them to JavaScript.

This course includes many videos, as well as links to useful tools like the TypeScript handbook. 

This course should take 3-4 hours to complete, as you may wish to pause frequently to try the many code examples provided yourself.

This code is ideal for anyone wanting a solid beginner's foundation in TypeScript, as the hands-on lecture format will ensure that any pupil has a working knowledge of the basics.

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